Upcoming events
The Thyroid and Lactation

Online class times are in EST. Scroll down to see all dates and times.
Please Contact Us with questions about other requests and opportunities.

The Thyroid and Lactation
Join us as we explore the endocrine aspects of thyroid function and the hormones of lactation. Take a deep dive, in this intimate live webinar, into becoming hormone detectives through analyzing lab results. Be ready to utilize these new tools in thorough problem solving for people struggling with milk supply issues and other quality of life challenges.
Check out all the multiple dates and times to choose from below!
This course has been approved for 3 CERPs.
All times are in EST
There are multiple dates to choose from, below.
All times are in EST.

Frenectomy Prehab
When referring a baby for potential diagnoses and treatment of oral restrictions, what can you do to help them prepare for that process? What guidance, tools, and therapeutic measures can parents be equipped with, so as to navigate pre and post release well? Learn how to optimize the diagnosis, release, and recovery process with infants,. Learn ways to be an even better member of the feeding team for families working to move past oral restrictions in their infant.
Join this valuable class to learn about frenectomy prehab for infants.
This class will be live and about 2 hours long. It is limited, in size, to allow for discussion about specific situations and providers. This class is taught by an IBCLC who is experienced in working in integrative tongue tie clinics. This class has been approved for 2 CERPs from IBLCE.
Below are all dates available. Check options by hitting the arrow through dates.
All times are in EST.

The Thyroid and Lactation
Join us as we explore the endocrine aspects of thyroid function and the hormones of lactation. Take a deep dive, in this intimate live webinar, into becoming hormone detectives through analyzing lab results. Be ready to utilize these new tools in thorough problem solving for people struggling with milk supply issues and other quality of life challenges.
Check out all the dates and times to choose from! This course has been approved for 3 CERPs.
There are multiple dates to choose from, below.
All times are in EST.

Breastfeeding Basics for Doulas
Join Jessica, an experienced Doula and IBCLC, in this workshop created specifically for doulas interested in education covering basic breastfeeding support. This class will be limited to less than 10 participants. It will be online, live, and interactive. We will dive into prenatal preparation as well as postpartum support of breast/chest feeding from the unique perspective of a doula’s role.
This class will satisfy the requirements for certification training.